Asha Scientific Works



Cat No. Product
1001351 Heat Transfer Through Composite Wall
1001352 Heat Transfer Through Lagged Pipe
1001353 Heat Pipe Demonstrator
1001354 Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Powder
1001355 Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod
1001356 Thermal Conductivity of Insulating Slab
1001357 Thermal Conductivity of Liquids
1001358 Heat Transfer From a Pin-Fin
1001359 Heat Transfer in Natural Convection
1001360 Heat Transfer in Forced Convection
1001361 Stefan Boltzmann Apparatus
1001362 Emmisivity Measurement Apparatus
1001363 Dropwise & Filmwise Condensation Apparatus
1001364 Parallel Flow/Counter Flow Heat Exchanger
1001365 Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger
1001366 Finned Tube Heat Exchanger
1001367 Vertical & Horizontal Condensor
1001368 Heat Transfer in an Agitated Vessel
1001369 Open Pan Evaporator
1001370 Unsteady State Heat Transfer Unit